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Oversized Sunglasses

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    Oversized Sunglasses

    Oversized sunglasses are as iconic as it gets. If you’re looking to make a statement on the beach, then oversized sunglasses are your frames. Oversized sunglasses will ensure you stand out in the crowd. They’re one of the hottest must-have accessories for those aiming to look classy with a hint of movie star allure.


    How to wear oversized sunglasses

    Oversized sunglasses became popular in the 1960s due to Jackie Kennedy, the fashion symbol of the decade. And let’s not forget about Audrey Hepburn wearing glamorous oversized sunglasses in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Whether your face is big or small, square or oval, you can still pull off oversized sunglasses if you do it right. Ensure that the frames do not cover your eyebrows, otherwise, your entire face appears off. However, you also want to ensure that the bottom of the oversized frames does not touch your cheeks, as they will be a little too oversized. To feel confident that your favorite oversized sunglasses are the right size, use our online size guide!


    Oversized designer sunglasses

    Make heads turn with oversized designer sunglasses from luxury Cazal, iconic Gucci, and glamorous Guess. Our exclusive oversized designer sunglasses include statement styles in round, rectangular, and square shapes. Or, for a less flashy look, we have some dialed-down oversized sunglasses just for you from our SmartBuy Collection and Arise Collective


    A selection of our oversized sunglasses has the option to add your prescription, whether you need single or progressive lenses. Oversized prescription sunglasses are perfect if you want to look fabulous and see clearly during the summertime. 


    Where to buy oversized sunglasses

    SmartBuyGlasses sells a range of oversized sunglasses for you to explore, in all kinds of colors and designs. If you aren’t sure you can pull off this fashion statement, give our Virtual Try-On tool a go and see yourself in countless oversized sunglasses before you buy!